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Friday, February 16, 2007

A Naked Jedi Is Better Than No Jedi

As I hope you noticed... my screen shots are taken at 1600x900 pixel-resolution. That's a dead-give-away for a large, Wide-screen monitor. I play the game in borderless window mode so that I can surf the web on my 2nd monitor and still see what's going on in the game. If you play MMOs, this is the ideal setup. Two monitors... one larger one for the game, and one smaller screen for ADD-style entertainment. I usually read the news, but I like keeping up with the gaming blog

Click for full size (pops).

So this shot is from the Moenia Starport. My ship is the same as Boba Fett's; in fact, I even named it "Boba's Fete". It's a play on the French word for "party." It's technically a Fire-Spray Class Starship. By SWG standards, it's a heavy fighter. It can hold over 200,000 Mass units of components. I love this ship! It's my 6th ship in the game, and it's the ultimate "Privateer" ship. Privateers are like neutral star-pilots... like Han Solo. Nee and I both roll as neutral pilots, although we tend to help out the Rebel Alliance way more than the Imperials. As I play more during the coming weeks, I'll take more shots of Nee and I in space-combat action.

We had recently flown to Kashyyyk, the Wookies' home planet, to complete a few legacy quests. Here's a cool shot of us riding just beyond the Kachiro gate and then inbetween two large Banthas.

Click for full size (pops).

Click for full size (pops).

I love Nee's speeder. We had zoomed past the Banthas, but I thought it was a neat shot.

The other odd tidbit from last weekends newly revitalized play was that at some point, my character found himself nearly naked. My brother, Nee Cheerioz, is a Jedi Knight. He claims to be so elite that only 3 bounty hunters in the entire Shadowfire server can beat him. I believe him, as I've seen quite a few surprise attacks where n00bish bounty hunters, who may be the same ultimate level as Nee (level 90), suffer the fate that you would expect when attacking a Jedi Knight: death! If only it were permanent (but that's a gripe for a future entry).

So yes, why was I half-naked on Corellia talking to an NPC with Nee standing beside me?

Click for full size (pops).

Well, that's no ordinary NPC. She was a "Profession Counselor." She allowed me to change from the medic profession to the Jedi profession. Yes, I personally felt a calling to the force and have begun my tutelage under the guidance of the Elder Jedi, Nee Cheerioz.

Click for full size (pops).

Nee loves it, of course, because I keep calling him "master." I'm still a mid-level player though, just about to transition to level 44, but I'm much happier now as a Jedi apprentice. I crafted my first lightsabre, which I will show off in the next entry... so stay tuned!

Faucon out.

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